There are few high fashion houses that are more envied than Hermès. What started as a company manufacturing saddles for horses eventually became one of the most sought after brands in luxury handbags in the world. This may seem odd to the common person, but there is reason behind why this is so.
Unlike many manufacturers, the House Hermès requires all of their stores to select and purchase their chosen line up front. This means all seasonal orders must be placed, and often there is a wait of six months to a full year before the inventory arrives. This means Hermès stores will not know the exact time for their product to arrive in store. This is just one of the reasons why a lady of taste and refinement cannot walk into a Hermès boutique and make a purchase.
If this were not frustrating enough, Hermès has a second and much more extraordinary requirement. To purchase a Birkin bag, their most sought after and desired bag, it is expected that a normal customer will spend no less than $50,000.00 in Hermès products. Only then will you be allowed to purchase your Birkin, and to make matters even more difficult, there is often a waiting list of a year or longer.
What is about Hermès Birkins that makes them so expensive? It starts at the production line. Artisans who work at Hermès spend a minimum of three years in apprenticeship before they even lay hands on a piece of leather. Hermès is also incredibly selective in their leather, using only about 10 percent of the entire leather for a single bag. Finally, each trained artisan follows the bag from start to finish. Yes; all Hermès Birkin bags are handmade by a single person who has been trained for a period of years in the craft. Tie all of this together, and you will soon see why it takes so long for a store to get their inventory, and why a lady of taste cannot walk into a Hermès store to make a purchase.
Color. You have your heart and mind set on a specific color Birkin bag. You will accept nothing less. Hermès stores do not get the luxury of choosing what bag colors they receive. They take what is sent. If you have your heart set on a grey bag, you may be waiting for some time before you get what you want.
So, the scarcity and manufacturing certainly explain why Hermès Birkins are so valuable. There are plenty of places online that will discuss the difficulties of obtaining a Birkin.
There is a better way. A way that is easier on you and your wallet. A high quality replica Birkin bag from Hermè Here you will find a full line of Hermès Birkin bags in all sizes and colors. All bags are priced reasonably, with a full money back guarantee and promise of complete satisfaction. Hermè is always open, does not require an appointment nor spending $50,000.00 in product before you can own your own Birkin bag. Visit the site today.