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What Are The Benefits Of Organic Cotton?

What Are The Benefits Of Organic Cotton?

Many of your clothes are probably made from cotton; some of them may even be made from organic cotton. Perhaps you do not know why this is beneficial to you, but it is. Cotton has been a popular fabric for decades, for many reasons. Continue reading to find out all the reasons you should consider cotton, including organic baby clothing.

Cotton is a natural fiber that is breathable and will not cause an allergic reaction. You can wear it in warmer weather and still feel comfortable because of its breathability. It will not contain heat and provides the ability for moisture to evaporate instead of hanging on to the clothes. It does not hold on to odor like synthetic materials typically do. These clothes can be washed less, allowing you to spend less money on energy. They are strong and durable, so you will not have to replace them as often. 

Matisaurus clothes do not have synthetic fibers, such as polyester or nylon. These materials have chemicals that are not healthy for your skin. They may also lose fragments of plastic when washed, which runs into the water. They become contaminants that have a negative impact on sea life. Organic cotton does not contain dyes that are toxic and is not treated with any type of chemicals. Often, synthetic materials contain pesticides, dyes, and flame retardants that can have a negative impact on everyone in the home. Flame retardants often contain chlorine and bromine, which are considered toxic. While wearing organic cotton has many benefits for the wearer, there are other major benefits along the entire production process. 

When crops are treated properly and in an organic manner, there is a decreased need for new farmland. Pollution, the use of water, and crop rotation are decreased. Cotton requires a large amount of water, but organic processes are more sustainable and efficient. Farmers that grow organic cotton are not exposed to toxins and chemicals. They can grow food in addition to the cotton on their land. Workplaces that are certified organic pay fair wages and produce clean and safe working conditions. They follow rigorous standards to ensure no discrimination, child labor, or treatment that is considered inhumane. The workers are not worked to death and produce a better quality product. All stages of production are audited, and there is better control over the quality. Much of the cotton grown is from a genetically modified seed created to withstand industrial-grade pesticides and other items. The modified seeds have been proven to cause congenital disabilities and toxic. These seeds are not viable because they only produce one crop. Farmers have to buy more seeds every year, which keeps the big businesses running. This creates a constant income source for the seed manufacturer while the farmer is constantly putting out more money. Organic cotton has benefits at every step of the process, from the beginning all the way to the person who wears the clothes. It cares about the environment, the workers, the supplies, and the consumers. 

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