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Some Ideas For Throwing a Virtual Baby Shower

Some Ideas For Throwing a Virtual Baby Shower

It is what it is, and currently we need to social distance whenever possible, even when we have a very important occasion to celebrate. Rules are in place for our safety, and the safety of the ones we love, but we mustn’t let it spoil the way that we celebrate an important occasion, such as the birth of a new baby. Traditionally, a baby shower would be held in the mother’s home, or other special location, and then friends and close family members would be invited around to the house, to celebrate this great milestone. Unfortunately, this is not possible in current times, and so we have to put on our thinking caps, and find a way to celebrate the occasion, but to do it safely.

This is where the concept of a virtual baby shower was born, and now, rather than having everyone congregating in one location, we can do it all online by hosting a live streaming party. The wonderful thing is that most people nowadays have a smart phone, personal computer, or laptop, so everyone can come, and they can enjoy all the festivities for this important day. Traditionally, we want to buy gifts for the new mother and the baby, and we can still do this by ordering personalised gifts here at and having them delivered straight to the new mom. The following are some tips to help you host your own virtual baby shower.

Baby Shower

Just because everyone is not in the same location, and they are dotted all around Australia, and maybe even other parts of the world, it doesn’t mean that a virtual baby shower cannot be an occasion to remember.

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