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Matthew Davies Provides You With Ways To Bond With Your Baby


Matthew Davies knows that bonding with your baby is a very special time when you first become a parent. Many people snuggle and play with their baby, but there are other ways. That is not to say that those are not great ways to bond with your baby, there are just more things that you can do.


It is hard to look at a baby and not want to bond with it. It is written into our DNA to take care of the baby and form a bond that will be lasting. Seriously, just look at those chubby cheeks and that beautiful face. How could you not want to bond with it? Well, we have decided that we need to provide people with several different ways that they too can bond with their new bundle of joy.

  1. Breastfeeding – While this is not the greatest for dads to bond with the child, there are ways that they can simulate breastfeeding. However, for the mothers, there is no greater joy than providing your child with nourishment. You baby will be looking for you to provide them the milk that they so desperately need their first few months of life. Consider yourself lucky that you can form this kind of bond with your baby.
  2. Eye Gazing – When you are feeding your child, whether it be by breast or bottle, look deep into their eyes. Likely they will be looking deep into your eyes as well. The way that we bond from a young age is by looking into the eyes of someone we are talking to. Take this opportunity to show your child that you care about them and want to bond with them.
  3. Massage – Yes, even babies like to have massages. You just want to make sure that you are not being too rough with the child. So, make sure that you only use a couple of fingers so that you do not hurt the baby.
  4. Mirrors – Babies are curious. When you get the chance, pick up your baby and take them to a mirror. Look at each other in the mirror.
  5. Put the Phone Down – That’s right! We know that you are connected to your phone. You should be paying as much, if not more, attention to your child. We also understand that you want to get as many pictures as you possibly can to share with family and friends. There should be some moments that are special to just you and the baby. So, put the phone down and spend some time with your child.


Matthew Davies hopes that this has been of some help to you. We are always looking for new ways to bond with our children and some of these are really great ideas. The biggest one is to just put down your phone. You will have plenty of time for that when the baby is sleeping. When the baby is up, make sure you are spending as much time as humanly possible with him or her.

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