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How To Know If Your Keto Diet Is Working

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat diet with low-carb and moderate protein. It helps in weight loss once your body enters into ketosis. Many recipes that support the keto diet are available, including Konscious keto. When done right, you will notice from your body’s reaction, whether it is working or not.

To realize when your diet is working can be a bit tricky. But certain signs and symptoms on your body can help you realize it. Those with experience say that these signs are shortlived because once the body is keto-adapted, they will disappear automatically. The following flags can be an indication that your keto is working.

The Keto Flu Experience

Keto flu comes during the first days of a ketogenic diet due to carbohydrate withdrawal. It produces symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, headaches and irritability.

The induction phase of your diet brings about brain fog. This happens when your body is transitioning from carbs to fats as the energy source. The depletion of carbs causes a reduction in the levels of insulin, leading to a diuretic effect. The keto flu can be caused by dehydration and other associated electrolyte abnormalities.

Keto flu can be fixed by drinking lots of water and eating more potassium and salt.

Rapid Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the key reasons why people enter the keto diet program. Keto diet is not a starvation diet. You can preserve much muscle while on keto. Weight loss is motivating and brings confidence to those on the diet.

Therefore, when you notice some weight loss effects, it indicates that your keto diet journey is on the right track.

Experiencing Muscle Cramps

You may experience sudden cramps in your back or legs, which are not necessarily from workouts. The lack of potassium and sodium in the body can cause muscle cramps or rupture in the muscles after exercising. When you are in ketosis, your sodium is dumped from the liver.

The body is left without enough sodium in its reserve, so you can add some more to your diet to supplement/

Supercharged Brain

Keto diet is all about fat, something which the brain likes so much. When it is supercharged, the brain will function better. People have reported tremendous improvement in the cognitive function, especially with their memory and verbal skills.

Because of the high intake of monounsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds and olive oil, the brain is well-nourished to increase the cognitive function. You can eat plant-based fats to support brain function

Having Bad Breath

During keto, your body gradually adjusts to lacking glucose and starts burning glycogen in the liver and the fat found around the body organs. This is when ketones are formed to be used as fuel by the body and brain. Acetone breath comes when you are in ketosis because of the high production of acetone.

Ketosis can be smelly when acetone is eliminated from your body when breathing. It creates a metallic odor and taste in the mouth. This is evidence that your keto is working and your body is burning fat.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Without carbohydrates and sugar, your body’s blood sugar is likely not to rise. Those with type 2 diabetes and blood sugar issues benefit from this because it increases insulin sensitivity.

Increased Energy Levels

Your body gets keto-adapted in about six to twelve weeks. That is when your energy levels will start stabilizing. It provides steady levels of energy because of burning fat for energy. The fat is converted to ketones in the liver, helping in supplying energy to the brain. The consumption of whole foods also provides more nutrients that energize the body.

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