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How To Harness The Transformative Power Of A Pretty Smile

Transformative Power

Transformative Power

The beauty and cosmetic industry is a multi-billion one. Indeed, a lot of people invest in their appearance because as various studies reveal, a pleasing physical appearance is a big advantage in life.

In the corporate world, for instance, people who are perceived as attractive generally get hired faster. They are deemed trustworthy, healthy, and happy – three of the vital qualities important for today’s competitive organizations.

Smile – A Major Beauty Contributor

When it comes to the physical qualities that contribute to beauty, a lovely smile makes the short list. But what makes a smile pretty anyway?

According to surveys, most people define a pretty smile as a sincerely jolly expression that displays great-looking teeth.

The definition is somewhat accurate, particularly if you take note of the famous people known for their smile, such as the Duchess of Cambridge, Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Garner, and Julia Roberts. These people are born with it, especially Kate Middleton and Jen Garner, who both have gorgeous dimples to boot

But whether or not you’re born with a visually pleasing smile, great oral upkeep definitely has a valuable contribution, and it’s not just the regular cleaning or oral prophylaxis. Cosmetic treatments play an even bigger role in smile beautification

Cosmetic Dentistry to Achieve Your Dream Smile

There are different treatments aimed at creating a beautiful smile. So, if you are keen on investing in your smile, visit your cosmetic dentist for a thorough consultation.

But to provide you with a better idea of the options available for such a purpose, here is a list of the most popular procedures or treatments for creating a Hollywood-worthy smile.

1.  Orthodontic braces

It does not matter if you go for traditional, ceramic, lingual, or Invisalign braces because the primary purpose of these orthodontic solutions is to position your teeth correctly in your mouth. They can fix a crooked alignment and gaps so that you can have perfectly straight chompers.

Wearing orthodontic braces is a long-ish commitment though. The typical treatment period lasts for two years, but for those with severe misalignment and even jaw problems, the treatment period can stretch up to five years.

2. Teeth whitening

This is another in-demand cosmetic dentistry procedure because who doesn’t want bright pearly whites? Teeth whitening will not only create a sparkly smile but also get rid of extrinsic teeth discoloration (often due to daily consumption of coffee and regular nightcaps with red wine).

Professional teeth whitening produces long-term results, which is why it’s just a once or twice a year commitment. Of course, you need to practice smart oral hygiene to sustain the effects of the treatment, but this is easy enough to do.

3. Dental lumineers

Lumineers are quick solutions to the following smile woes:

They are comparable to porcelain veneers, which are other cosmetic dentistry solutions to consider. Lumineers are deemed better though for the fact that they are quicker to prepare and they rarely require any invasive procedure for the installation. Thus, if you want to have them removed for whatever reason, you don’t have to worry about your original teeth looking too different, which is the big issue with porcelain veneers.

4. Dental implants

This the permanent solution for missing teeth. If you no longer have a few or all of your teeth to create the smile that you have always wanted for yourself, don’t you worry because dental implants can take care of that. Dental implants are the best restorative solution for missing teeth. After the procedure, you get perfect pearly whites that will not stain, but also feel and function like your natural teeth.

This is a costly procedure and it takes time to complete. Thorough preparation, which includes other treatments may be necessary to make you fit for the implants. Plus, you have to recover from them first. However, dental implants are absolutely worth it. Since it’s a permanent solution, over the years, all you need to do as to have them adjusted to ensure a comfortable fit.

Improve Your Smile, Improve Your Life

Finally having the smile of your dreams is life-changing. You will find that you feel more confident in yourself, especially when socializing with other people. It may be easier to build relationships knowing that people have a more positive view of you.

And, you cannot overlook the functional impact of a perfect smile. Eating can prove more comfortable. At the same time, having a complete set of straight teeth can improve facial muscles and elasticity, lowering the chances of the premature appearance of aging.

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