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Get Rid Of Dark Circles And Puffiness Around Your Eyes With These Easy Tips

Dark Circles

Dark Circles

Let’s face it, we’ve all had to deal with dark circles at some point in our lives. Whether it was a night out when you should’ve been home resting up for the next day, or just from being up to study for some horrible exam that you knew you were going to fail anyway, dark circles are the perfect addition to an already bad morning.

Sometimes, dark circles are genetic and there isn’t much you can do besides accepting them as a part of your look. Other times, they come up with age and are harder to get rid of than when you were younger. They’re also more common in people with darker skin tone because they have hyperpigmented areas near their eye.

Depending on why you have dark circles, you can treat them, or at least make them less obvious than they are now. We’re here to talk about some of the ways you can treat your dark circles.

Wear Shades

This may seem like an obvious one, because you already wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. However, if you invest in a pair of shades that properly cover your lower eye region, it will prevent the darkening of that area.

Being in the sun too much is already dangerous, but if you don’t put sunscreen on and wear shades to cover your eyes, you could be creating the perfect environment for hyperpigmentation.

Another way to fight sun damage is to get a crème that fights the pigmentation and discoloration that the sun has caused. Image Skincare Ageless total repair crème brings out a fresh layer of skin that is free from the damage of the sun and reduces the wrinkles that sun damage causes as well.

Get Plenty of Water

Being dehydrated also makes you get dark circles. Have you ever woken up from a wild night on the town with huge, dark circles under your eyes? Chances are, it’s because you were drinking, but not what your body needed.

Not getting enough water creates a sunken area under your eyes and this area can become darker than the other parts of your face. This also makes you look older, so be sure to get plenty of water at all times.

Use Tea Bags

Yes, if you’re looking for an easy remedy to get out of this mess, then we have exactly what you were looking for. Use cold tea bags against your dark circles. First, heat the tea bags in hot water, like when you make tea. Then, keep them in the refrigerator for around 20 minutes, then press them against your eyes. Make sure you don’t hurt your eyes—only keep them against your eyes as long as they don’t hurt.

Glycolic and Retinol Pads

Glycolic and retinol pads are made to gradually improve your skin by making it look younger, brighter and clearer. They essentially go through the top most layer of your skin that has been damaged and pigmented and bring out the newer layer underneath that has not been affected by pigmentation.

If your dark circles are on a surface level, they’ll fade away with regular use of these pads, because the skin underneath will not have the discolouration that the skin on the surface has.

Get Enough Sleep

You probably did not want to hear this, but you have to get enough sleep if you want to get rid of dark circles completely. The reason why sleep is so important is that the kinds of regeneration and growth that your body goes through when you’re in deep sleep cannot be easily replaced by products.

Try to adjust your sleep schedule so that you have plenty of time to put your electronics away and just lie in bed, reading a book at most, before you go to sleep. Using your phone too soon before bed is also a contributor to dark circles.


Moisturizing is essential in keeping your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin is less likely to get dark circles and pigmentation than dried, undernourished skin. Many moisturizers also have vitamins in them that keep your skin looking healthier and plumper.

Almond Oil and Vitamin E

Oils are great for keeping your skin moisturized and don’t wipe away as easily as a moisturizer would. They form a layer over your skin that keeps the moisture in and makes it work into your skin for a longer amount of time.

Laser Therapy

If you’re suffering from extreme dark circles that just don’t seem to go away no matter what you do, you can opt for more invasive procedures like laser therapy. Laser therapy will use heat to vaporize the cells that are causing the pigmentation.

You can pair the laser therapy with a skin lightening treatment that will only be applied to where the dark circles are. You need to be careful, however, because these can also cause more damage than good if you are not taking proper precautions.


Another alternative to curing sunken dark circles is using fillers. A filler is added to the tissue under your eye by a dermatologist and can help reduce the gaunt look that you might currently have. They also make you look younger, because having wrinkles and sunken looking under eyes can greatly increase how old you look.

Final Words

Consult with your dermatologist if you feel like there is a serious issue with your dark circles. They’ll be able to guide you better about what measures you need to take. They’ll have a better idea about how intense your dark circles are, whether they are genetic, or if there are certain changes that you need to make in your lifestyle which would reduce their appearance.

Whatever you decide to do, you need to keep in mind that the eye is one very sensitive organ of the body. Don’t try anything you aren’t sure of and don’t experiment too much with the areas near your eyes.

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