Explaining the Roots and Popularity of Skull Jewelry
Every fashionista in the ever-lasting pursuit of original and eye-catching accessories has probably tried on skull accessories. Indeed, a cranium with empty sockets draws in attention like a magnet. Many people enjoy skull jewelry exactly because of its pulling power. On the other hand, there are many adversaries of such bold images. We can’t deny that a skull is associated with death, and death is something we want to avoid. So why wear skull accessories if they represent a repulsive phenomenon?
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The Significance of a Skull throughout the History
A skull is a multifaceted symbol boasting a lot of meanings. Most of these meanings were born thousands of years ago and were spread among the most powerful ancient tribes.
A Skull Is a Protector
According to countless primitive tribes, a skull was the reservoir of the soul. They didn’t bury heads of defeated enemies. Instead, they put them into a prominent place as if adopting them into the family. This head should have protected everyone living in this house. Skulls were dyed in bright colors so that they didn’t feel “offended”. Similar rites were performed on the skulls of deceased relatives.
Among the Celts, a skull was revered as the center of a sacred power that protected a person from adverse forces and gave him health and wealth.
Skulls as Ornaments
Mayans practiced the so-called “cult of skulls”. They separated the head from the body, cleaned it, and drilled a hole to wear it as a pendant. During excavations in one of the Mayan villages, archaeologists discovered a fence of human skulls. Another shocking discovery was made during the conquest of Mexico. Satellites of the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes examined an Aztec temple and found the vault crammed with several thousand skulls.
In the military rites of the Celts, Scythians, and Huns, a major role wag given to a human skull. Not only did they hang skulls at the entrance to sanctuaries but also they used them as dwelling decorations. The number of skulls suspended to a belt of a Celtic or Hunnish warrior was a peculiar indicator of his prowess. A skull was considered not only a symbol of victory over an enemy but also a means of protection for a winner.
Skulls Associated with Mystical Powers
Celts believed that the mystical power contained in the head continued serving a victor after the death of an enemy. Often, skulls were covered with gold or silver and used as drinking vessels.
Celtic horsemen going to a battle fastened skulls to spears and horse harnesses. When a leader of the Celts killed a chief of the enemy army, he cut off his head and presented it to a temple. Later, these skulls were used as holy cups in religious rituals.
On top of that, Celts cut off heads of mortally wounded comrades so that enemies couldn’t get them. The heads of enemy soldiers were nailed to the walls just like hunters do with the heads of dead animals. Meanwhile, skulls of those who showed military prowess in battle were boiled in oil and carefully stored in chests.
Skulls played a prominent role in military rites of the Scythian tribes. They drank the blood of the first killed enemy, wore scalps as scarves, sewed skirts out of them, and utilized skulls as house ornaments. These seemingly barbaric customs are based on the notion that the head is immortal. The head was believed to store the abilities given to a person and the meaning of his life. An individual who defeated an enemy in a battle could transfer his powers to counter misfortune and protect himself from evil spirits.
Significance of Skulls Today
Today, skulls have preserved a lot of the meanings originated by ancient people. Those who wear sterling silver skull rings or pendants still hope to get protection. A skull as a patron and protector is a common belief among bikers. According to biker legends, a person who has a death mark (a skull) can scare the Grim Reaper away. Well, it makes sense for bikers to seek protection since a motorcycle is perhaps the most dangerous vehicle.
Bikers also continued a tradition to use skulls as decorations to scare off the enemy. Many of the very first motorcyclists served in the army. They drew skulls on aircraft and tanks. After dismissal from the army, they started placing skulls on their mean machines. Given the tension between some biker gangs, war paint is more than just a habit or a tribute to tradition.
Bikers made the biggest contribution to the popularization of skulls in the 20th century but they were not the only ones. Punks, rockers, and Goths revered skulls as well. They depicted them differently than bikers and assigned them new meanings. Thanks to various ideas in the representation of skulls, fashion obtained a new powerful symbol. Striking, controversial, and leftfield, it became irresistible for fashion designers and connoisseurs of unusual things. The greatest feature of a skull is that you can give it any significance you want. Do we need to give you more reasons to get cool-looking skull jewelry?
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