Whether at parties or any public places, you might have observed women carrying various types of handbags. Some of them are simple, yet eye-catching, while others with a design and pattern. But, these handbags are quite an important accessory for the ladies, as they use them to carry a lot of essential things like wallet, keys, cards, etc.
Some ladies are fond of designer handbags, which are quite easily available as the production companies are more into making these gorgeous-looking handbags. They have a reason to do so, as designer handbags can be charged or sold at a higher price than a normal one. But, the issue lies with picking up the bag that will suit a woman as there are a lot of varieties available in the market. So, in this article, we will be discussing the different styles of designer handbags available in the market.
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Tote Bag
Whether you are looking to chill at the beach or have to go to the office, tote bags are the best option for your companion. Also being referred to as the shopper’s bag, these handbags are a great option for carrying a few extra items alongside the essentials on the list. Moreover, this style of handbag is no short of designs, starting from woven crafts to leather art, these designer handbags are a treat to watch.
To identify the style, you should be aware of the outlook of tote bags. These bags are squarer to rectangular with short straps to carry. If you are looking for pockets, then this may disappoint you as it has few to no pockets. But, carrying things in bulk to any place is an easy task for tote bags.
Bucket Handbags
These designer handbags justify their name well, as they can hold a bulk of goods in it easily. Space is sufficient enough to carry it for shopping in a mart or to the beach. The shape is more like a bucket with loose ends at the top that can be closed using the drawstring. Being a unique style of handbag, this is highly spacious even if it looks small from the outside. So, if you are planning to buy a designer bag that will accompany you to your casual outings, this one is the best in the market.
These bags are a great carrier for both students and professionals and have helped carry books and laptops. With its versatility in use, this bag has been a favorite for both men and women. A satchel can be described with a flat bottom and a rectangular body and can be closed using buckles or clasps. A crossbody strap is also added to the bags for easy carrying, but a small handle is also attached for keeping it handy. These bags are a favorite of several famous fashionistas, as they are available in several designs of different brands.
Hobo Bag
A cute-looking crescent-shaped bag that was a part of most of our childhood. But, don’t worry as this isn’t the bag that we used in childhood, but that design was an inspiration for hobo bags. Call it a purse or a bag, this is a great companion for day-to-day use. As mentioned, they are crescent-shaped with a small shoulder handle that can also be carried by hand. The designs of these handbags are simple, but sometimes highly crafted to make them look more attractive.
Saddle Bag
You might have seen these designer handbags carried by most young ladies out there. Whether a party or a date, this bag is a great carrier of essential stuff. These handbags are generally designed or crafted using leather with metal hardware to make them look more fashionable.
If we look at the design, they are round-shaped, with a flap closure attached to the crossbody strap, making it easy to carry. But, this bag has built a fanbase in the past, when equestrians used these bags to carry essential items. That affection has carried to the present and has been a go-to bag for several ladies out there.
Messenger Bags
A great history lies with this bag as this style was used by messengers like the postman. But, this style has gained popularity by the addition of design in it and has been a great way to carry different utilities to places.
The shape of these bags is rectangular with buckle or clasps closure. To hold these bags, they are provided with a crossbody strap that makes carrying them easier. This style of bag is highly spacious and can be used to carry several items like books, laptops, etc. So, opting for these handbags will be the best idea, if you are looking for something for college or office.
Baguette Bags
This was one of the most popular handbags used in the 1990s by ladies all over the world. And the craze of this bag has been traveling since then. These handbags are smaller in size, sufficient enough to carry a few things. But, this styled handbag is a great option to be carried for a party or a date. The shape is rectangular with easy flap closure, sometimes magnetic closure, attached to a small strap to hang in on the wrist or hand.
These were some of the styles of designer handbags that are mostly used by women and men for various purposes. So, pick any of these as per the event or purpose to match it with the situation.