Blue Emerald Gemstone
Blue Emerald is one of the most valuable gemstones available in the market. It is the birthstone of May. It has a great importance in the astrological field and is twice or thrice more valuable than diamond. Its composition is mainly a silicate of beryllium and aluminum. Its color composition and texture is very beautiful and shiny. It is very rare and found only in certain places in the world including Colombia, Zambia, Brazil, and Zimbabwe. Besides, the other countries that trade the emerald gemstone seasonally are: Madagascar, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Canada, Russia, and other few countries.
It has been associated with the astrological benefits since six thousand years. Studies suggest that this gemstone has been in use since 4000 BC. The blue Emerald is beautiful, powerful, rare and extremely beneficial gemstone. The color composition of this stone is beautiful, transparent and symbolizes the planet mercury. It is believed that in ancient time children were made to hang this gemstone in their neck to prevent themselves from diseases like epilepsy.
Benefits of Blue Emerald
As the blue emerald gemstone is expensive, it is worth to be expensive because of its immense power and benefits to the wearer. The stone symbolizes the planet mercury and holds the same amount of power. The following are the benefits provided by the stone to the wearer:
- Happy and peaceful life: if worn properly, this gemstone helps in flourishing your good relation to everyone one. It helps in spreading a positive vibe in you that help in attaining the happy and peaceful life. The energy from this stone helps in calming your mind and body providing you an ultimate peace in your inner self.
- Successful professional career: if you are stuck in any business work or any bad deals in your career then the use of this stone will extract you from that situation to good one. It ensures the flow of wealth and increases the income. So, basically the blue emerald will help you in enhancing the financial status of your life.
- Protection from an evil eye: This gemstone shields the wearer from the evil and bad energies. If you are doing well in your life, then obviously, there will be many evil eyes, so it will prevent you from those bad energies and makes you successful in life. It also calms your mind during sleep by preventing you from nightmares.
- Blue emerald in engagement rings: nowadays people use the engagement ring embedded with the blue emerald gemstone because it is the symbol of faithfulness and loyalty. It is believed that gifting this stone helps in increasing the loyalty and faithfulness in the relationship. So, you can have a better understanding level between your partners and grow your relation to eternity.
- Protects from the accidents: the use of blue emerald gemstone reduces the chance of getting involved in any accidents for the wearer. In many cases of the severe accidents, it has been concluded that the maximum survivors are the owner of gemstone in any ways. So, the use of the gemstone in the ring or necklace will help in preventing the accidents.
- Great benefits for the pregnant women: during pregnancy, the use of blue emerald is beneficial for both mother and child. The emerald gemstone has the energy that helps the child to grow well and connect with the mother properly. It decreases the risk of abnormal birth if worn during the pregnancy period by the mother. It is highly recommended to the pregnant women to wear the necklace embedded with the blue emerald for the healthy birth of children.
These are the benefits of the blue emerald to the wearer. So, make sure you wear original gemstone and wear it properly. You can use it as necklaces, ring, bracelets, or pendants. It is very beautiful and fashionable along with the immense power. This astrological benefit from this stone has been experienced from way back in 4000 BC by Aristotle. During the war and other activities, this stone used to be the guardian stone for the warriors. Hence, the power of this stone is immense. Due to its rare availability, it is very expensive nowadays.
You cannot find blue emerald anywhere in the market, it is found only in certain certified places like Indian markets. Indian market is the best place to buy the gemstones.
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