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5 Unlikely Benefits of a Custom Skin Care Routine

5 Unlikely Benefits of a Custom Skin Care Routine

A truly custom skin care routine can seem like the kind of thing that’s only accessible to the rich and influential, but brands like Proven have demonstrated that a bespoke skincare experience can be budget-oriented and affordable to just about everyone.

And while the notion of having skin care catered to your unique skin type is exciting in its own right, there are some secondary advantages you might not have thought of. Here are five more unconventional reasons to check out a custom skin care regimen.

A More Humane Approach to Skin Care

Pursuing a customized skin care routine means that you have the opportunity to ditch any ingredients that you might have conscientious objections to. So whether you’re worried about animal testing or you’re seeking out products that are made locally, you can adjust your formula to suit your own ethical considerations. Fortunately, brands like Proven have already taken the guesswork out of the equation. Proven’s formulas are engineered within the United States, and they pledge to never test on animals. That pledge extends to all of the suppliers, formulators, and manufacturers that Proven works with as well, so you don’t need to worry yourself about an ethical breakdown anywhere in the supply chain.

A Greater Degree of Transparency

If you’ve never considered what sort of products you’re putting on your skin, take the time to scan the labels for the beauty and skincare products at your local pharmacy. Chances are that you’ll see a long list of chemicals that are very hard to pronounce and even harder to parse. Going with a custom skin care routine means transparency about what’s being put inside of your formula. Proven takes an efficient approach to their products by packaging the whole skin care routine in three simple products, and you’ll receive a full explanation of which ingredients are included—as well as why they were picked for your particular type of hair.

Cleaner and Fresher Results

Parabens and phthalates are commonly included in beauty and hair products, and they aren’t there to clean your hair. Instead, they help provide a more foamy lather when used and help preserve the shelf life of the products. Worryingly, they may have an impact on your risk of contracting cancer. More immediately, they can strip and damage your hair in a major way. Since Proven makes specific formulas for each customer, you can be assured that your skin care products are fresh—and you don’t have to worry about it containing phthalates and parabens anywhere.

More Confidence

It goes without saying that the way we look can have a dramatic impact on the way we feel. That’s just one more reason why a customized skin care routine is worth your time. An in-depth questionnaire ensures that the particulars of your unique skin type and environmental conditions are taken into consideration when picking a formula, and the ever-expanding database means that the formulas engineered by Proven are only going to be more precisely matched as time goes on. That shouldn’t be a surprise, considering Proven was founded by Stanford dermatologists.

Simplified Skin Care

If you’re working with over-the-counter products, finding your skincare can often mean mixing and matching a complex variety of products to get the results you need. And a certain product being out of stock or discontinued can throw your whole routine into disarray. Proven packages all of the components you need into three bottles, so you don’t have to juggle an elaborate combination of different vials, bottles, and jars. A Proven custom skin care regimen can fit your budget, your schedule, and the crowded surface space of your vanity.

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